Country – Moonpub Music Archive Songdemos Moonpub Music, The Netherlands Wed, 07 Jun 2023 01:07:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Just Getting Old (EN) Thu, 20 May 2021 21:53:52 +0000

What’s In A Song? – Volume One on Spotify

I woke up this morning and got out of bed
Another day older but nowhere near dead
I ain’t as fast as I used to be
But I’m still footloose and fancy free

My mem’ry is failing, my mind it can roam
But I ain’t quite yet ready for the nursing home

I’ve got twinges in my hinges
And aches in my bones
There’s a pain in my shoulder
That won’t leave me alone

My feet’s gettin’ tender
My hair’s gettin’ thin
God have mercy
On the shape I’m in

I ain’t callin’ it quits
I ain’t gettin’ cold
I ain’t givin’ up
I’m just gettin’ old

Traded in my boots for some sensible shoes
The years keep stacking up
and I’m paying my dues
I still can dance ’til the light of day
Get me my cane and point out the way

Can’t move as fast as I used to do
But I can still keep up with the likes of you

I’ve got twinges in my hinges
And aches in my bones Etc.

I ain’t gettin’ lucky
I ain’t strikin’ gold
All that I’m doing
Is gettin’ more old

I’m not over the hill
I’m not past my prime
I’m just pickin’ up speed
And takin’ my time

And it’s only gettin’ harder
To do what I’m told
I guess it’s just a part
Of just gettin’ old…

Up Where Rivers Run (EN) Fri, 02 Apr 2021 22:28:20 +0000

This may be a bit of an unusual recording for a traditional country song, although it may do just fine as a contemporary country song. The lyric I think is traditional country but I tried to give it music that is more up to date. Well as usual, you are the one the decide if that is done okay. Thanks for listening!


That Long Long Road (EN) Fri, 02 Apr 2021 22:20:37 +0000

What’s In A Song? – Volume 3 on Spotify

I thought it nice to do this country song with a little bit of a native indian feel to it which might give it something special perhaps. Just listen to it for yourself and hear if that is done okay.

When a lover says goodbye
You walk alone
Left out in that cold cold night
on that long long roadNowhere for you to go at all
Nowhere to turn
As you blindly keep on stumblin’ down
that long long road

And all that you have is heartache
And all that you feel is pain
No one to guide or lead you
You’re on your own in the rain

When you’re love has gone oh my
You’re on your own again
As you slowly travel down down down
that long long road


Death Is Riding (EN) Fri, 02 Apr 2021 21:53:30 +0000

also has a video script at Stories of the WEST…

On a hot and sunny day where the children play
the little of Sunny Hill suddenly felt a cold cold chill

Death is riding Death is riding
Death is riding to town

Death is riding to town
and all the kiddies frown
all run and hide
because death is coming
on time…

And the day turned to night
and the clouds began to play
And the heat turned to cold
and the sand turned to snow

Death is almost here,
all people in their graves all cheer
Riding his dark black horse
with his syte drawn

All children run in fear
They know now that
Death is here
All run and hide ’cause
Death is coming
Death is coming in big strides

SPOKEN: Death strolls into town.
His black horse is casting deep shadows.
The sheriff calls him down
and Death looks him over,
and then looks him over again
and belows: “You want to call ME out?”

“Yeah I’m calling YOU out!”
“You can never win this fight, sheriff!”
“Well, it is MY town!”

And Death is fighting the sheriff,
and Death may win.
And the sheriff is fighting Death,
and guess what? The sheriff might win…

With a lightning flash the six shooters are drawn
and bullets fly like birds on a wing
making their way to their destination…

And Death is death…

Death, he picked to wrong day to come to the town of Sunny Hill…
Because the sheriff’s last name was… Life.
And Death now owns a nameless grave on top of Boot Hill
and the people of Sunny Hill lived happy ever after…

It’s Hard Being Horse (EN) Fri, 02 Apr 2021 21:50:40 +0000

see also scene at Stories of the WEST…

It’s hard being horse to a cowboy man
Doing all you can to keep him going
Wondering where he leads
Getting’ food when he feeds
Being horse to a cowboy
Man it’s hard indeedThrough heat and wind and rain
It’s every day the same
Trying to get some sleep while you stand
Oh why can I not be be with the calvary
There is no horse more lonely than me

What kind of dream goes on in his head
Everyday just riding into sunset
But it ‘s all right he says my Tennessee Blue
There is now horse like you

Wagons Roll On (EN) Thu, 01 Apr 2021 22:44:44 +0000

What’s In A Song? – Volume 2 on Spotify

Wagons Roll On! is one of the nicest songtitles for Stories of the WEST but doesnt have a filmscene yet. But the song itself tells a story that gives impression enough to picture such a filmscene yourself. I edited a video to this story with existing filmscenes to give an even better impression.

Also the recording I can be satisfied with, it must have been a quick recording also (Stories of the WEST took only two months from nothing to 12 songs done with equipment and software I didnt know how to use yet) but as it is worked out fine.

Sometimes you are very lucky with a recording for unknown reasons – vocals work nicely, arrangements no problem, guitar parts in 1 take etc. – and I consider me lucky with this song for sure.

Dust gathers high as the wagons roll by
The mist in the air it is everywhere
This train goes on four miles long
and I know that this will be a western song

Wagons roll on, roll on
and I know that this will be
a Western song

The heat and the sweat roll down my back
I can’t remember when I last hit the sack
I’m tired and dirty and I need a rest
if only for one hour that will do me the best

Wagons roll on!
And their tracks leave a trace
across this great big land
Wagons roll on, roll on!
and I know that this will be
a Western song

We need to keep on rolling
(in the name of…)
We need to keep on going
(in the name of…)
Wagons Roll On!!

Wagons Roll On!
and I know that this will be
a Western song

A Sourdough’s Life (EN) Thu, 01 Apr 2021 22:33:53 +0000
      A Sourdough's Life - Mayer & Hoeve
Lyric: Don Mayer (US)

Music: John Hoeve
(The Netherlands)

Tracks & Vocals:
John Hoeve

Pauline Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:51:36 +0000       Pauline - Wilson and Hoeve
Sometimes I sit and wonder
How many stars are in the sky
Sometimes I sit and wonder
Till the beauty makes me cry
Sometimes I’ll try and figure out
How some people live with lies
But when it comes down to why you love me
You got me wonderin’all the time

Pauline — Your the only one for me
Pauline — There aint another girl I see
Your the centre of my emotions
An’a livin’ mystery
I won’t die never knowin’ what love was
Cause you taught me
What it means Pauline, what it means

You could’a had any guy you wanted
Since you were sweet sixteen
All the guys made their plays and fumbled
You were lookin’ only at me
Back in the days of High School
You know I never made the team
The only thing that I can think of
Is God sent you to me

Pauline — Your the only one for me
Pauline — There aint another girl I see
Your the centre of my emotions
An’ a livin’ mystery
I won’t die never knowin’ what love was
Cause you taught me
What it means Pauline, what it means

Somedays I sit here drinkin’
In this God forsaken bar
I’m hidin’ in the corner
Writing songs on my guitar
One day the folk may hear me
singin’on their radios
It don’t matter one way or the other
cause there’s still one thing I still know

Crazy Living In The House (EN) Thu, 01 Apr 2021 21:37:03 +0000
      Crazy Living In The House - Johnny Hoeve
There’s a crazy dog living in my house
Such a crazy dog living in my house
and they say that it’s my pet

(There’s a crazy dog
living in this house)

There’s a stupid boy living in this house
Such a stupid boy living in this house
and they say that he’s my son

There’s a silly girl living in this house
Such a silly girl living in this house
and they say that she’s my daughter

Crazy dog!
(Crazy living in this house)

Stupid boy!
(Crazy living in this house)

Silly girl!
(Crazy living in this house)

There’s a loony mam living in this house
Such a loony mam living in this house
and they say that’s she is my wife

Lalala – Lalala- La La La La (2x)

There’s a wonderfull man living in this house
Such a wonderfull marvelous, great looking man
Gee, must be me …

There’s a wonderfull man living in this house
Such a wonderfull marvelous, great looking man
Yeah that’s me!

and I can play the guitar too…

You And Me And My Guitar (EN) Thu, 01 Apr 2021 12:08:53 +0000
      You And Me And My Guitar - Bertram & Hoeve
SAYS RAY (lyrics): This is a different kind of love song – a very special, very intimate one. I originally wrote the core lyric behind this song back in July of 2008.

I was very happy when my good friend, singer/songwriter/musician/producer Johnny Hoeve picked it up and slotted it for production. I’ve totally fallen in love with the production that Johnny’s given it, too – he really captured the heart and soul of the lyric in this song that he has composed around it…and he did so in a way that simply lifts you right up and carries you along.

Special thanks to Johnny for all of his good work on this project…and now give the link on this page a click and give the song a listen – you’ll be glad that you did.

Hear song on

The three of us in my old car
You and me and my guitar
We’re drivin’ down the open road
To another town … another show
Another crowd another bar
Just you and me and my guitar

I play, I sing and I watch you smile
at me just like you do, my time on stage…
… It just flies… ‘cause I get lost in your eyes
After the show and after the bar,
baby it’s you and me
and my guitar, shining bright just like a star
You and me and my guitar

Driving home late at night
I reach out and hold you tight
All I need Is just us three
My guitar and you and me …
Just us three, the three of us In my old car
Driving home the three of us in my old car
You and me and my … guitar
